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We all depend on communication
that provides a direction that is
always beneficial.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Please read the above.
Aristotle: "Give me the child until he is seven, and I will give you the man"
The presumption is that all humans at seven years of age have embedded their so-called "individual" personality. We develop and mature with personality intact.
Living with the presumption of evolution, can we presume also that we evolve accordingly to our "individual" lifestyle.
Human consciousness exerts its own definitive laws that are inescapable - never to destroy.
The greatest form of communication that has evolved with human beings is speech.
In every distinct language, it imposes the same disciplines to contribute to the specific 'use' of the gift of language.
No matter what language you speak, it is a gift you have acquired along the way. You will pay a price, or gain a dividend, depending on how you use the consciousness gift we all have acquired.
Which begs the question. Is there any such thing as "free speech".
My initial intention in searching for some clues to delay the onset of dementia arrived at the concept of semantics.
There seemed to be some ancient wisdom that has already explored their existence.
Namely one Heraclitus (The Weeping Philosopher) and his "Unity of Opposites".
Also the ancient Chinese symbol of the unity of opposites Yin and Yang :
Such a unity dissolves the association to a reality which is absolute and confined only to understanding, beyond question.
This is where I found contemporary scientific wisdom coming into play, and the development of The Semantic Template.

Yin and Yang Courtesy of Google "free to use images".
No one escapes their own warped consciousness and lack of social responsibility.
So "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." John Donne.
The mistaken concept that any form of free speech provides anyone the right to use it to harm innocent people.
Not censorship, but civilized restraint.
Any form of civilized dialogue has its own benefits for both the recipient and the messenger.
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Please read.
His propaganda and misuse of virulent language enveloped this planet in a war, that took the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

Dung beetle and free speech retribution if by any chance you qualify for reincarnation!
Given that we are supposed to be what we eat, can you imagine what these two "dung" beetles are calling each other over whose property it belongs to?

Dung Beatles. Courtesy of Google "free to use images"
The founder's of social media communication on the Internet may well pay due regard to their office. No censorship, but the simplicity of civilized constructive debate, preferably sourced from the product of each semantic template.
"The greatest form of knowledge you can ever have is your own"
Concomitant with that:
"The greatest freedom you can ever have is not knowing who you are,
but knowing who you are not"
Whatever construction the mind imposes, its determinate need is to express its functional being. Everything that is awaits the arrival of its past. Everything that ever was, and always is, is proclaimed, by its existence.
Nothing is ever lost in the universal unity of Space-Time - Energy - Matter.
Historically we have evolved towards the Jungian concept of a collective human consciousness.
Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
At 89 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
Your semantic template can be created using data on both domain pages.
No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!
No semantic template has any commercial value - it's not for sale. It is your personal information for your beneficial use.
‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’.
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963.
Amen to that!
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