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The quotes, images, videos etc., included in these posts come courtesy of Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Bartlett’s, About, Google, Ted's talk, Internet Archive. My sincere thanks for their service.
That this work is available at all is down to the services of Word and the team of “Happiness Engineers” whose help throughout these past few years has been invaluable. With their patience, technical skill and courtesy, it is now available.
All my personal copy here is 'free to use'. Images, videos, and talks I have used are classified as 'derivative work' and deserve proper attribution from the relevant sources. Note my inclusion above of the sources I have used.
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All material is used by me in good faith to follow the Public Domain, 'free to use' and share policies, within the Internet structure and a non-commercial environment.
This Creative Commons License has been acquired as it is essential that this information be shared, and brought to a higher level. It is always courteous to provide attribution. Based on a work at:“. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://imperative All text referred to bther writers will be acknowledged at the bottom of each of each page.
My history of blogging has always been non-commercial, and free to use, and its content is not disposed to attract contemporary commercial social media. The internet now has serious issues to deal with. It now has a multiple variety of International companies with Big Brother complexes seeking your personal data and misusing it. The content on these pages is not a commercial commodity. Nor are human beings.The Hippocratic Oath by the medical profession "First do no harm" might be very applicable.
We should remember that the Internet has a very short life span from the 1950's, and it's evolution to date is astonishing. Its conception emerged from human consciousness,
probably with the expectation that its beneficial qualities would be used to disperse new and creative truths for all life on this planet.
It's misuse, we can only hope, will have its own correction mechanism.
All the energy needed to disseminate anything that is of value, cannot come from one person alone. True energy needs a sharing dimension, and new concepts for it to grow.
Each blog on this domain will now come as a short separate entity with collateral information to bring my self and any readers up to date. Archival material is available.
My sincere thanks to all the notifications I've received. Physically impossible for me to answer individually, but would still welcome comments.
The last blog initiated a host of notifications. Consequently as that which is factual is of interest, and as my time is limited, I propose to introduce the subject once again.Placeholder.
Curiously, and paradoxically, some 'facts' you may have to learn to live with.
We do not own any Space.
We do not own any Time.
We do not own any Energy.
We do not own any Matter.
Add to the above the factual statement that "Everything in essence is - but nothing ever remains the same
That which is evidently true, beyond any opinion into infinity, adds only to the wonderment of our existence. It would mean that nothing is ever lost in time.
Walk through a doorway, consider that your passage through the doorway is forever locked in time.
This information, alarming though it may be, could be the catalyst to the realisation that any egotistical embedded lifestyle needs to be exposed to allow the reality that must evidently exist.
This factual information may provide the forerunner of who we are.
It may also enlighten our minds to the condition we are in at the moment, alienated from the very properties that are our interdependent and interconnected link.
The universal hedonistic lifestyle is counter productive to the proposition that we can be
who we are. Embedded industrialisation clouds most cultures to the unhealthy need that we must have possessions.
Does the above reality give you any pause to wish for a state of being that transforms your experience. That transformation can only come from you, and whatever consciousness level you live at.
Have written 'The Magic Mantra' and the purpose in the use of a mantra.
One UG Krishnamurti wrote "Your thoughts are your worst enemy" hence my reason for introducing the mantra.
Thoughts and consciousness exist at varying scales of experience.
Thoughts contain the whole array of spurious dichotomies, They consequently can have a deleterious effect on human behaviour. They are life's embedded information which we are all subject to. We see life through their prism.
Thoughts, as they are, are at the bottom of the scale, and the analogy is that we sit in a cave, a fire casting shadows on the wall believing the shadows are our reality.
Consciousness is your right to experience knowledge, not imposed by life but specifically direct to you.
The greatest knowledge you can ever have is your own. It transcends any of life's embedded experience. The only purpose that infinite knowledge has is to be shared.
Infinite knowledge is the content of the semantic template which is there for everyone to use. No wonder Heraclitus wept for humanity.

The Mantra is a very simple tool to let your mind rest from its continuous soliloquy.
Your breath and your blood need continuity, and your thoughts need rest via sleep, and your own personal mantra, to restore vital physical needs.

"No sleep"
Courtesy of Google
"free to use images"
Our obligation is to reach for states of consciousness that recognise our real state of being. Goodness does not necessarily come by deliberation. The Chinese continent with its polluted cities, will inevitably take drastic measures to restore a healthy climate for its citizens.
In doing so the planet will benefit by its actions. Goodness in action!
Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
At 89 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
A semantic template can be created using data on both domain pages. No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!
‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’.
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963.
Amen to that!
If you have the tool, share posts with a foreign friend in their language.Bridie.
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