The Eternal Jigsaw.
Discover the interconnected
interdependent laws
we constantly share.

The Jigsaw.
Courtesy of Google
“free to use images”
A Dreamland Tale.
A universal jigsaw with no straight edges.
Players are individually seated in limitless universal black space. Like any other jigsaw, they must connect the pieces together. Unlike any other jigsaw, they have only blank pieces and no picture to guide them, only their form of disciplined consciousness. They are collectively advised that everything is contained in the full collection, and when correctly pieced together will magically begin to form a majestic picture of Space-Time – Energy – Matter to complete the whole. They are not told that the active pieces portray a direct section of the consciousness of each player.
They are collectively instructed that each magical piece portrays the very essence of life, and they are also instructed that each successful connection will show a colourful activity scene of a particular principle necessary for life to flourish. They are also instructed that each correct connecting piece will engage their consciousness to direct their emotions, their intellect, and their instincts toward the next piece.

“Majestic Universe”
Courtesy of Google
“free to use images”
As they proceed they begin to react to the wonder of what is appearing.
In time the jigsaw is complete and the puzzle creator asks them their opinion.
Unanimously they agree it is a wonderful work of art but it is of a reality beyond their comprehension, and could never dream of such a universe.
When the contents of the puzzle are carefully explained to them they ask, why then do we not experience it as such.
The puzzle creator tells them they live in a dream world where they cannot experience interdependence or interconnectedness. The basic laws of jigsaw puzzles! They must wake up to who they are!
The underside of the jigsaw represents the ancient dilemma of opposites that must unite to provide a new form of reasoning. Heraclitus – “the unity of opposites”. Ancient China – The Yin Yang of opposites.
Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
At 93 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
A semantic template can easily be created using the examples below.
Remove opposites from your language and use only primary terms to create true definitions. Any primary is defined by any other two.
No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!
'A fundamental truth used as a basis of reasoning'.