Sunday 26 September 2021


For the lockdowns 2.

Posted on September 25, 2021 by Bridie.

Our word jigsaw puzzle.

Dictionary has given a definition of two words.

“Complete, Entire, Perfect, Pure”.

“A fundamental truth used as a basis of reasoning”.

Always solutions.

Examples of principles and absolutes below, and how to define them without dichotomies.

Communication. Truth. Standard. Proof. Express. Contribute. Mutual. Direction. Advance. Comfort. Organize. Certain. Immediate. Interest. 

Improve. Present. Constructive. Gain. Trust. Progress. Source. Knowledge.

Basic. Original Reality. Awareness. Freedom. Purpose. Connect. Understand.

Support. Peace. Cause. Unity. Ability. Rights. Honest. Discover. Positive. Energy. Balance. Good. Courage. Willing.  Control. Use. Association.  Observe. Absolute.

Reason. Easy. Wealth. Simple. Law. Increase. Order. Flow. Co-operation. Exact. Principle.

Quality. Accuracy. Strength. Responsible. Operating. Creative. Measure. Recognition. Accept. Constant. Obligation. Include. Dependence. Relationship. Value. Success. Principle. Equality. Stable. Share. Love. 

Sustenance. Action. Identity. Intelligence. Education. Secure. Facts. Agreement. Information. For. Rules. Clear. Yield.



Success = Securing facts

                = Responsible co-operation

               = Constructive knowledge

“Success is the art of securing facts and with constructive knowledge, co-operating responsibly”.

Below is a list of simple conjunctions copied to construct the sentence for the above definitions.

  1.  F = for
  2.  A = and
  3.  N = nor
  4.  B = but
  5.  O = or
  6.  Y = yet
  7.  S = so

There are no dichotomies!

Any principle is correctly defined by any two other principles or absolutes. You create a new language. Using extensive conjunctions you can write your own book.

James and Jean Caldwell Brines. (Bridie)

About Bridie.

Born in Govan Glasgow 1927. Those were the days.

Sunday 28 March 2021


The Eternal Jigsaw.


Discover the interconnected
interdependent laws
we constantly share.

The Jigsaw.. Courtesy of Google "free to use images"

The Jigsaw.
Courtesy of Google
“free to use images”

A Dreamland Tale.
A universal jigsaw with no straight edges.
Players are individually seated in limitless universal black space. Like any other jigsaw, they must connect the pieces together. Unlike any other jigsaw, they have only blank pieces and no picture to guide them, only their form of disciplined consciousness. They are collectively advised that everything is contained in the full collection, and when correctly pieced together will magically begin to form a majestic picture of  Space-Time – Energy – Matter to complete the whole. They are not told that the active pieces portray a direct section of the consciousness of each player.
They are collectively instructed that each magical piece portrays the very essence of life, and they are also instructed that each successful connection will show a colourful activity scene of a particular principle necessary for life to flourish. They are also instructed that each correct connecting piece will engage their consciousness to direct their emotions, their intellect, and their instincts toward the next piece.

"Majestic Universe" Courtesy of Google "free to use images"

“Majestic Universe”
Courtesy of Google
“free to use images”

As they proceed they begin to react to the wonder of what is appearing.
In time the jigsaw is complete and the puzzle creator asks them their opinion.
Unanimously they agree it is a wonderful work of art but it is of a reality beyond their comprehension, and could never dream of such a universe.
When the contents of the puzzle are carefully explained to them they ask, why then do we not experience it as such.
The puzzle creator tells them they live in a dream world where they cannot experience interdependence or interconnectedness. The basic laws of jigsaw puzzles!                               They must wake up to who they are!

The underside of the jigsaw represents the ancient dilemma of opposites that must unite to provide a new form of reasoning. Heraclitus – “the unity of opposites”. Ancient China –  The Yin Yang of opposites.


Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
At 93 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
A semantic template can easily be created using the examples below.
Remove opposites from your language and use only primary terms to create true definitions.  Any primary is defined by any other two.

No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!


Dictionary given definition of Principle.

'A fundamental truth used as a basis of reasoning'.

Honesty = Positive Knowledge
Balance = Simple Control
Cooperation = Valuable Relationship

With your collected host of primaries and definitions and using conjunctions, you create a new Universal language desperately needed for schools and universities.

Check out Google Books,
Search for title: Universal Language of Absolutes.

Monday 1 March 2021


                                                     Universal Language of Absolutes.

The above title will apply to each blog.

The introductory material in each blog will be the same and prescribed to set out the intentions of the writer. Each blog posted will be duplicated have new material added to promote the existence of a series of ten small books published through Google books with the title above.
The provenance for the books is my existing archive of blogs and to provide an extension for those not on the internet. Depending on the quality of the blogs and readers comments
they will be also be published.
Our evolutionary process is characterised by the development of language and within that process, there seem to be radar blips constituting a dynamic change. Not only the linear direction we accept through thought but a new vertical scale that denotes conceptual absolutes that provide unequivocal universal meaning

It is imperative to include historical ideation to strengthen the proposition that language is ready for its own extension.



Courtesy of Wikipedia

Notably by Heraclitus   Born c., 535 BC  Died c. 475 BC (age c.60).

Constant change and movement in Space-Time -  Energy  - Matter are applicable absolutes to be recognised, which equates to evolution. There never will be a static property involved in the evolution advance. Evolution encompasses its own absolute properties to provide the cognitive connection confirmation.
The evolution of conceptual language exists to provide natural equality and to promote cognition between language states. No matter the languages spoke the concept of a flower is the same and can provide a gateway to explore the future dynamics of human relationships.




Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s. At 93 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity. Your semantic template can be created using data on my domain page. No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined. They are always interconnected and interdependent. Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property! No semantic template has any commercial value - it's not for sale. It is your personal information for your beneficial use.

‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’. Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963. Amen to that!

Monday 15 February 2021

Universal Language of Absolutes (2)


The above title will apply to each blog.

The introductory material in each blog will be the same and prescribed to set out the intentions of the writer. Each blog posted will have new material to promote the existence of a series of ten small books published through Google books with the title above.
The provenance for the books is my existing archive of blogs and to provide an extension for those not on the internet. Depending on the quality of the blogs and readers comments they will be also be published.
Our evolutionary process is characterised by the development of language and within that process, there seem to be radar blips constituting a dynamic change. Not only the linear direction we accept through thought but a new vertical scale that denotes conceptual absolutes that provide unequivocal universal meaning.

Universal Language of Absolutes.


We do not own Space.
We do not own Time.
We do not own Energy.
We do not own Matter.

Fundamental Absolutes above to consider.

There are no dichotomies. Language premised on primary terms is interconnected and interdependent.

Evolution is not in a linear direction but a vertical scale where every absolute resides at the top of every scale.

It is not that there are no Absolutes - it is that everything is Absolute,
and above and beyond our conventional concepts of language.

A priniple understood.

"The Eureka moment"
A principle understood
Courtesy of Google images.

It is imperative to include historical ideation to strengthen the proposition that language is ready for its own extension.



Courtesy of Wikipedia

Notably by Heraclitus   Born c., 535 BC  Died c. 475 BC (age c.60).

Constant change and movement in Space-Time -  Energy  - Matter are applicable absolutes to be recognised, which equates to evolution. There never will be a static property involved in the evolution advance. Evolution encompasses its own absolute properties to provide the cognitive connection confirmation.
The evolution of conceptual language exists to provide natural equality and to promote cognition between language states. No matter the languages spoke the concept of a flower is the same and can provide a gateway to explore the future dynamics of human relationships.




Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s. At 93 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity. Your semantic template can be created using data on my domain page. No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined. They are always interconnected and interdependent. Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property! No semantic template has any commercial value - it's not for sale. It is your personal information for your beneficial use.

‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’. Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963. Amen to that!


Wednesday 30 January 2019

The Infinite Wisdom of Juliet.

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The quotes, images, videos etc., included in these posts come courtesy of Wikipedia,     Wikimedia, Bartlett’s, About, Google,  Ted's talk, Internet Archive. All my personal copy here is 'free to use'. Images, videos, and talks I have used are classified as 'derivative work' and deserve proper attribution from the relevant sources. Note my inclusion above of the sources I have used. All images used on this page are always being re-evaluated to ensure they fall into the 'free to use' category. All material is used by me in good faith to follow the Public Domain, 'free to use' and share policies, within the Internet structure and a non-commercial environment. This Creative Commons License has been acquired as it is essential that this information is also shared and brought to a higher level. It is always courteous to provide attribution. Based on a work at“. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://imperative All text referred to by other writers will be acknowledged at the bottom of each of each page. My understanding of the teachings of ancient and contemporary wisdom is not authoritative. My expressions on any of the subjects are solely based on my research, and application of concepts eventually perceived as irrefutable realities. My history of blogging has always been non-commercial, and free to use, and its content is not disposed to attract contemporary commercial social media. The internet now has serious issues to deal with. Multiple varieties of International companies with Big Brother complexes seek your personal data and misuse it. The content on these pages is not a commercial commodity. Nor are human beings. The Hippocratic Oath by the medical profession "First do no harm" might be very applicable. We should remember that the Internet has a very short lifespan from the 1950s, and the evolution to date is astonishing. Its conception emerged from human consciousness, probably with the expectation that its beneficial qualities would be used to disperse new and creative truths for all life on this planet. It's misuse, we can only hope, will have its own correction mechanism. All the energy needed to disseminate anything that is of value, cannot come from one person alone. True energy needs a sharing dimension and new concepts for it to grow. Each blog on this domain will now come as a short separate entity with collateral information to bring my self and any readers up to date. Archival material is available.
My sincere thanks to all the notifications I've received. Physically impossible for me to answer individually, but would still welcome comments. The purpose of this entry is to provide some elementary information that may put a new light on both my domain sites. Each post will belong to a series of scheduled posts that may extend to 2012. They will consist of older posts with upgraded material and new titles. They will also be copied and pasted to allow me the time needed to transfer their content. In my absence, they will then be available if the technology is sound. This will be a challenge for me. Wish me luck.

    This Placeholder. Will be a constant theme throughout these scheduled blogs.

We do not own Space
We do not own Time
We do not own Energy
We do not own Matter.

Read the above statement of fact out loud. Consider the beneficial effects of all life on this planet. It points to the reality of Absolute Knowledge. The human entity is composed of emotional, intellectual, and instinctive properties in concert with its physical senses. Universal principles go beyond quantifiable linear intelligence, and in and of themselves, offer no process of induction. Their validity is formed by the principle of 'mutual elucidation', which then requires its 'useful application' to be demonstrated by all available means. Perhaps we should see evolutionary development is of another quality and direction, into higher planes of consciousness. As we evolve we truly stand on the shoulders of those before us. It is a provisional stance, dependent on the reverence we pay to those who provided our existence. With the use of their images, and quotations, I unashamedly bow to their intellect, their compassion, their strength of character. Each and every one of them, male and female, deserve some of our attention.  


'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet' 

                                                          A Rose by any other name
would smell as sweet'
Courtesy of Google

There are two translators available.
The web page one will translate the whole page.
The other above (the small green icon next to my photo)
will translate any chosen sentence.
Copy and paste:  'A Rose by any other name
would smell as sweet'

The Tragedy of  Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare.
(26 April 1564 - 23 April 1616)
The essential enormity of meaning behind Juliet's observation had somehow slipped through my contemporary mercurial mind.
Not only could we apply its meaning to names, but to any language that must speak its name.

This brought me to a long forgotten paper:
The Extended Mind:
Understanding Language and Thought in Terms of Complexity
and Chaos Theory.

"The origins of speech and the human mind are shown to have emerged simultaneously
as the bifurcation from percepts to concepts, and a response to the chaos associated with
with the information overload that resulted from the increased  complexity of hominid
Robert K Logan Assoc.Prof. of Physics - University of Toronto. 29/11/2005.

My simple mind roams over the implications of humans having the same conceptual minds, regardless of language. When something is universally conceptualized, then it is Absolute.

A rose is a rose is a rose!

Consequently, the pure simplicity of universal conceptual language must provide a pathway to its own meaning.
The recognition that all human perception has its own catalog of concepts that provide identity, and thus, a common meeting ground of agreement.

The purpose of the two translators above will give you the option to compare Juliet's sentence by itself or translate all this blog if you wish.

To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
.At 91 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia.
If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
A semantic template can be created using data on both domain pages. No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!
‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’.
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963.
That is the peculiarity and tragedy of linear evolution
and our mercurial minds.

Amen to that!


Friday 21 December 2018

The Ephemeral Time Dancers.

his work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The quotes, images, videos etc., included in these posts come courtesy of Wikipedia,     Wikimedia, Bartlett’s, About, Google,  Ted's talk, Internet Archive.

All my personal copy here is 'free to use'. Images, videos, and talks I have used are classified as 'derivative work' and deserve proper attribution from the relevant sources. Note my inclusion above of the sources I have used.
All images used on this page are always being re-evaluated to ensure they fall into the 'free to use' category. All material is used by me in good faith to follow the Public Domain, 'free to use' and share policies, within the Internet structure and a non-commercial environment.
This Creative Commons License has been acquired as it is essential that this information is shared and brought to a higher level. It is always courteous to provide attribution. Based on a work at“.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://imperative
All text referred to by other writers will be acknowledged at the bottom of each of each page. My understanding of the teachings of ancient and contemporary wisdom is not authoritative. My expressions on any of the subjects are solely based on my research, and application of concepts eventually perceived as irrefutable realities.

My history of blogging has always been non-commercial, and free to use, and its content is not disposed to attract contemporary commercial social media. The internet now has serious issues to deal with.
Multiple varieties of International companies with Big Brother complexes seek your personal data and misuse it. The content on these pages is not a commercial commodity. Nor are human beings.
The Hippocratic Oath by the medical profession "First do no harm" might be very applicable. We should remember that the Internet has a very short lifespan from the 1950s, and the evolution to date is astonishing.
Its conception emerged from human consciousness, probably with the expectation that its beneficial qualities would be used to disperse new and creative truths for all life on this planet. It's misuse, we can only hope, will have its own correction mechanism.
All the energy needed to disseminate anything that is of value, cannot come from one person alone. True energy needs a sharing dimension and new concepts for it to grow. Each blog on this domain will now come as a short separate entity with collateral information to bring my self and any readers up to date. Archival material is available.
My sincere thanks to all the notifications I've received. Physically impossible for me to answer individually, but would still welcome comments. The purpose of this entry is to provide some elementary information that may put a new light on both my domain sites.

Each post will belong to a series of scheduled posts that may extend to 2012. They will consist of older posts with upgraded material and new titles. They will be copied and pasted to allow me the time needed to transfer their content. In my absence, they will then be available if the technology is sound.
This will be a challenge for me. Wish me luck.

This Placeholder.
Will be a constant theme                                                                             
throughout these scheduled blogs.

We do not own Space
We do not own Time
We do not own Energy
We do not own Matter

Read the above statement of fact out loud. Consider the beneficial effects of all life on this planet. It points to the reality of Absolute Knowledge.
The human entity is composed of emotional, intellectual, and instinctive properties in concert with its physical senses.
Universal principles go beyond quantifiable linear intelligence, and in and of themselves, offer no process of induction. Their validity is formed by the principle of 'mutual elucidation', which then requires its 'useful application' to be demonstrated by all available means.
Perhaps we should see evolutionary development is of another quality and direction, into higher planes of consciousness.
As we evolve we truly stand on the shoulders of those before us. It is a provisional stance, dependent on the reverence we pay to those who provided our existence. With the use of their images, and quotations, I unashamedly bow to their intellect, their compassion, their strength of character. Each and every one of them, male and female, deserve some of our attention.


“Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past.”
TS Eliot.

The Ephemeral Time Dancers.

The more I thought about my badly focused photography the more it became its own necessity.
Our normally adjusted sensory perceptions see visions clearly. To see the dancers out of focus may well point to the miracle of their dance, and where they are.
Consciousness ascent through dance is well documented.
Perhaps not by deliberation but an unconscious need to want to dance.
The real miracle is the noticeable maturity of the couples on the floor through their collective practice dance in unison to the music played.
As they swirl, bow, and courtesy with measured precision, they go on a journey toward
a higher collective consciousness through time. For the time of the dance, they leave behind our conscious normality.
When the music stops, they wait for a new piece to be played.

At that point, the time has passed, and with that inevitability, they like us have grown older.
The evolutionary changes that must take place prefix the next dance.
The new music begins and with amazing energy, the circle of dancers moves into the new time, space, energy, and matter with the construction of a new form of consciousness.
A consciousness that rises in a vertical fashion.
All the world's a stage.
At Twin Towns still your mercurial mind.
Watch. Observe and experience evolution in the making.
This world and its consciousness health need every miracle dancer there is.
Dance on!

To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
.At 91 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia.
If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.
A semantic template can be created using data on both my links below.. No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!




‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’.
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963.

Amen to that!


Friday 16 November 2018

Elevated Reason

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Creative Commons License
The quotes, images, videos etc., included in these posts come courtesy of Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Bartlett’s, About, Google,  Ted's talk, Internet Archive. My sincere thanks for their service.

All my personal copy here is 'free to use'. Images, videos, and talks I have used are classified as 'derivative work' and deserve proper attribution from the relevant sources. Note my inclusion above of the sources I have used.
All images used on this page are always being re-evaluated to ensure they fall into the 'free to use' category.
All material is used by me in good faith to follow the Public Domain, 'free to use' and share policies, within the Internet structure and a non-commercial environment.
This Creative Commons License has been acquired as it is essential that this information is shared and brought to a higher level. It is always courteous to provide attribution. 
Based on a work at“. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://imperative All text referred to by other writers will be acknowledged at the bottom of each of each page.
My understanding of the teachings of ancient and contemporary wisdom is not authoritative. My expressions on any of the subjects are solely based on my research, and application of concepts eventually perceived as irrefutable realities.
My history of blogging has always been non-commercial, and free to use, and its content is not disposed to attract contemporary commercial social media.

The Internet now has serious issues to deal with. Multiple varieties of International companies with Big Brother complexes commercially harvest your personal data and misuse it. The content on these pages is not a commercial commodity. Nor are human beings.

The Hippocratic Oath by the medical profession "First do no harm" might be very applicable.
We should remember that the Internet has a very short lifespan from the 1950's, and it's evolution to date is astonishing.

Its conception emerged from human consciousness, probably with the expectation that its beneficial qualities would be used to disperse new and creative truths for all life on this planet.

The Internet and this planet are interconnected and interdependent.
Please do not take them for granted.

It's misuse, we can only hope, will have its own correction mechanism.

All the energy needed to disseminate anything that is of value, cannot come from one person alone. True energy needs a sharing dimension and new concepts for it to grow.

Each blog on this domain will now come as a short separate entity with collateral information to bring my self and any readers up to date. Archival material is available.

My sincere thanks to all the notifications I've received. Physically impossible for me to answer individually, but would still welcome comments.

The purpose of this entry is to provide some elementary information that may put a new light on both my domain sites.

Each post will belong to a series of scheduled posts that may extend to 2012.

They will consist of older posts with upgraded material and new titles.

They will be copied and pasted to allow me the time needed to transfer their content.
In my absence, they will then be available if the technology is sound.

This will be a challenge for me.
Wish me luck.

The Universe and Us.
Courtesy of Google Images.

This Placeholder will be a constant
throughout these scheduled blogs.

We do not own Space
We do not own Time
We do not own Energy
We do not own Matter

As a factual statement above, this may allow a pause for thought.
It points to the reality of Absolute Knowledge.
Read the above statement of fact out loud. Consider the beneficial effects of all life on this planet.
It points to the reality of Absolute Knowledge.


The human entity is composed of emotional, intellectual, and instinctive properties in concert with its physical senses.

Universal principles go beyond quantifiable linear intelligence, and in and of themselves, offer no process of induction. Their validity is formed by the principle of 'mutual elucidation,' which then requires its 'useful application' to be demonstrated by all available means.

Perhaps we should see evolutionary development is of another quality and direction, into higher planes of consciousness. 
As we evolve, we truly stand on the shoulders of those before us. It is a provisional stance, dependent on the reverence we pay to those who provided our existence.

With the use of their images, and quotations, I unashamedly bow to their intellect, their compassion, their strength of character. Each and every one of them, male and female, deserve some of our attention.

Bob the Elder.

Footnote: To refresh the original purpose of my earlier blogs. These shorter inserts offer the reason I started to search for any data, ancient or otherwise on human consciousness, specifically related to Alzheimer’s.
At 91 years of age (well past my used by date) it may well be that I am a candidate with a focus on my own pending dementia. If so, then the theory and the method I write about is holding it at bay. To address the health of my mind in this way could be the catalyst that retains its own functional activity.

A semantic template can be created using data on both domain pages.
The Semantic Template.
Each personal template can be created using only absolutes.
The implicit integrity of each one can only be defined by two other absolutes in your template.
They are all interconnected, and infinitely intertwined.
The definitions you arrive at will be new to you, offering a new consciousness prospect, and the road to "cognition".

No dichotomies (opposites) at all involved.

No definition of absolutes or principles can be ill-defined.
They are always interconnected and interdependent.
Each configuration constructed by anyone has meaning particular to them, although its value is universal. That is why it is never personal property!

‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’.
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 -22 November 1963.
Amen to that!
